2024 Rental Market and Investment Summary

For many years we at JPM, LLC have done a year end rental market summary for our property/owner clients.  We have split the summary into 3 sections. The bad, which are obviously the market factors negatively affecting the rental market and investments, the good, and an outlook for the 2025 rental market. So here we go! We’ll start with the bad news first.

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2023 Rental Market Review from Johnson Property Management LLC

Happy Holidays from the Johnson Property Mgmt, LLC (JPM) team! We sincerely appreciate the continuing opportunity to manage your investment property, and work each day to provide the best possible service to our valued owner-clients. As always, we greatly appreciate any feedback from owner-clients on this letter, or our management services in general. Feedback helps us understand your needs, and improve our service. For the last 10+ years, we have provided our owner-clients with a year end Treasure Valley Rental Market Recap, mixed with thoughts about the upcoming year. Please note that this letter will contain forward looking statements*, and in no way should these statements be substituted or used for financial advice, but only describe our market outlook based on daily observations made about our local rental market. It is our hope that you will find value in these observations on the state of the rental market, and no we did not use ChatGPT to write this letter 🙂 Read more


Originally posted by BoxBrownie.com

We were thrilled to chat with Andrew Johnson from Johnson Property Management about his experience with our app, SnapSnapSnap, and how the company has incorporated it into their workflow for quickly and easily capturing stunning listing photos.

The reviews are in!

“We instantly signed up for it. It was a no-brainer.”

That’s what property manager and licensed realtor Andrew Johnson said when we asked about his first impressions of our photography app, SnapSnapSnap.

His team has been using SnapSnapSnap since April and has found success in utilizing its innovative point, shoot, and edit technology to achieve consistent and polished images for their rental listings. Read more